Financing & Rebate

Mass Save® HEAT Loan And Rebates Options

Mass Save Partner
Financing Options from GreenSky a Goldman Sachs Company
Finance Your Project
Plan 2511
Plan 9998
Financing for the GreenSky® consumer loan program is provided by Equal Opportunity Lenders. GreenSky® is a registered trademark of GreenSky, LLC, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs Bank USA. NMLS #1416362. Loans originated by Goldman Sachs are issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. NMLS #208156.

Financing Available

For all "Mass Save" Qualifying Installations

0% Interest for up to 84 Months

Financing Options from GreenSky a Goldman Sachs Company
Finance Your Project
Plan 2511
Plan 9998
Financing for the GreenSky® consumer loan program is provided by Equal Opportunity Lenders. GreenSky® is a registered trademark of GreenSky, LLC, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs Bank USA. NMLS #1416362. Loans originated by Goldman Sachs are issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. NMLS #208156.

0% Interest. 100% Easy.

From the attic to basement, we're here to help you with your home energy upgrades. The Mass Save® HEAT Loan offers interest-free financing opportunities up to $25,000 for energy-efficient home upgrades like heating and water heating equipment, central A/C and heat pumps, insulation and more.


To get started, call us at (978) 228-1904 to schedule a Home Energy Assessment. We can provide information to opportunities to improve your efficiency and where financing can help.

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Eligibility Requirements

  • The HEAT Loan is available to qualified customers participating in the Mass Save Program.
  • Loan applicant must be the homeowner.
  • Residents must have a current residential electric account.
  • Municipal electric customers can take advantage of the HEAT Loan offer if the home is heated with natural gas, provided by a Mass Save Program Sponsor. Municipal electric customers can apply for the HEAT Loan for all upgrades, with the exception of central air conditioning, heat pumps and heat pump water heaters.
  • Financing is only available for qualifying energy-efficient improvements outlined within the HEAT Loan packet.
  • Financing is contingent upon loan approval from a participating lender.

Residential Rebates and Incentives

Rebates for appliances, heating systems and more.

Mass Save® rebates and incentives may be available to homeowners, renters, and landlords. Being more energy efficient will pay off with lower energy costs and improved home comfort.

Heating and Cooling

Up to $100 rebate or price discount & no-cost installation

Up to $1,250 per ton rebate

Up to $2,750 rebate for heating
Up to $700 rebate for water heaters

Oil Heating & Water Heaters

Up to $800 rebate for heating
Up to $100 rebate for water heaters

Up to $2,300 rebate for heating
Up to $800 rebate for water heaters


75% to 100% off insulation, plus no-cost air sealing of leaks in drafty areas of your home

Lighting and Appliances

Price discounts available

$50 rebate

Must be pre-qualified through home energy assessment

$30 rebate

Price discounts available

Price discounts available

Upcoming turn-in events

Schedule a no cost pickup

$40 rebate

Price discounts available

Building or Renovating a Home

Incentives are available for building an energy efficient new home


0% loan of up to $25,000 for qualified energy efficient home improvements

0% loan of up to $50,000 for expanded projects, or removing barriers to weatherization and heating system upgrades


Do you have a Building36, ecobee, Emerson, Honeywell, Lux, Nest, Radio Thermostat, or vivint.SmartHome Wi-Fi Thermostat? Join ConnectedSolutions and get paid for reducing energy use during peak times.

Enroll your battery storage system in ConnectedSolutions to earn incentives for reducing the load on the grid during peak times.

Special Offers

No-cost energy assessments and special offers for homes and small businesses on Nantucket

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